12 Things Christian Couples Should Do While Waiting On God For Children

12 Things Christian Couples Should Do While Waiting on God for Children


12 Things Christian Couples Should Do While Waiting On God For ChildrenLife truly comes with challenges and so is marriage. Lots of couples have had to face diverse challenges in marriage like loss of job, change in career, relocation, barrenness, infidelity and a lot more. When I was still single, I heard a lot about how some struggle to get pregnant while married. I hear of 5, 10, 15, 17, and 20 years of barrenness. My mother shared her own experience, she waited 5 years before she had us and she narrated all the challenges and experiences she had while waiting on God.

A few months into my marriage, pregnancy didn’t come and one day I had to challenge my husband. If you can pray for others, why are you not taking this issue seriously? He saw how I took it seriously and chose to put it in God’s hand and that month, I conceived. If I could feel challenged just in a few months of marriage, how many more people are still waiting, 10 or more years without children?

The journey of waiting on God for children can be a deeply emotional, overwhelming, and spiritually challenging time for couples and Christian couples are no exception. We see various individuals in the Bible like Sarah, Elizabeth, Rachel, Hannah, and Rebecca, who also had to wait to carry their Children (Genesis 25:21, 29:31,11:30, 1 Samuel 1:2, Luke 1:7). This period often tests the strength of faith, the bond between husband and wife, and even the depth of one’s relationship with God because if this persists, those who do not have an understanding of God’s plan and promises may fall and backslide. However, it is important to know that it can also be a season of profound spiritual growth, and deeper intimacy, that prepares you for the future.

This article will consider 12 key practices that Christian couples should engage in while waiting on God for children.

1. Having a Strong Prayer Life

2. Rely on God’s Timing

3. Discover God’s Will for you

4. Strengthen your Bond

5. Get Help Spiritually

6. Humbly Serve Others

7. Stay Positive

8. Be Focused on God’s Purpose

9. Manage Stress and Seek Emotional Well-being

10. Shun Bitterness and Embrace Love

11. Engage in Spiritual Warfare

12. Keep your Hope Alive

1. Having a Strong Prayer Life

Prayer is the cornerstone of a Christian’s relationship with God and it is very important as we walk with God. For couples waiting on God for children, consistent and heartfelt prayer is essential. This is a time to pour out your heart to God and express your desire. The Bible recorded that Hannah asked the Lord for a son and God granted her wishes. Also, the power of praying together as a couple cannot be overstated.”Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven” (Matthew 18:19).

This means that praying together strengthens the bond between you and aligns your hearts with the will of God. This is not a time to cry, complain, or try other means but a time to commune with God. More so, you should also consider praying for others who may be in similar situations. This is called intercessory prayer and this selfless act not only shifts focus from your struggles but also opens the door for God to work in your lives.

2. Rely on God’s Timing

It is true when you hear God’s time is the best! No other time is as perfect as the time God’s time. The Bible encourages us to wait on the Lord, be strong, and take heart  (Psalm 27:14). Trusting in God’s perfect timing is crucial. It’s important to recognize that God’s plans are always for our good and God will never withhold any good thing from His children (Jeremiah 29:11). Waiting can be difficult, but it’s a time to develop patience, a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). Patience doesn’t mean passive resignation but active trust in God’s plan, even when it’s hard to see. Lack of patience can make you run for a solution elsewhere, and lack of patience can make you doubt God’s ability and capability. Embrace patience while waiting, God is never late!

3. Discover God’s will for you

As couples, you should engage in regular Bible study which will help you to understand God’s promises and character. The Bible reminds us that God works all things together for good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Also, meditating on verses related to waiting, trust, and faith can provide comfort and encouragement to you both as you wait on God. The Bible emphasizes the importance of meditating on the Word of God, day and night (Joshua 1:8). Read about the stories of individuals with similar experiences in the Bible and follow what they did and what the word of the Lord says.

4. Strengthen your bond

The love and unity between you both should be strengthened as you both go through that challenging moment. The word of God talks about the importance of love and respect in marriage (Ephesians 5:25-33). Therefore, as couples, you should use this time to strengthen your relationship, making your marriage a solid foundation for the future. Also, building emotional intimacy and physical intimacy is important in marriage. Engaging in activities that bring joy and closeness, such as date nights or shared hobbies, can strengthen your marital bond. Don’t seek solace from someone who is not your spouse at this time. This period should keep you both bonded as one.

5. Get help spiritually

Being part of a church offers emotional and spiritual support and helps you grow in faith with God. As a couple, you can join or form groups with others who are waiting on God for children to pray, share experiences, and encourage one another. This will help you feel a sense of safety knowing fully well that the issue is not peculiar to you and together, you can seek God and find a breakthrough. Seeking counsel from your pastors or mentors can also provide spiritual guidance and help you navigate this challenging moment. Don’t forsake the assembly of the brethren (Hebrews 10:25).

6. Humbly Serve Others

 Serving others can be a source of fulfillment and purpose during the waiting period and it will help you see above your needs and help others get fulfilled. The Bible encourages us as believers to “serve one another humbly in love” (Galatians 5:13). As couples, you both might consider participating in or starting outreach programs within your church or community. This not only benefits others but also brings joy and shifts the focus from personal struggles to the needs of others and through that, you get fulfilled as well. Abraham and Sarah experienced the blessing when they served the strangers (Genesis 18:1-8).

7. Stay Positive

It’s very easy to become discouraged during a season of waiting and it is often tiring and overwhelming but the word of God tells us to  “Rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4). Joy is a choice and a reflection of trust in God’s goodness. Stay joyful even amid the storm and keep your eyes glued on the blessings that God has already provided because this will result in a positive outlook. Keeping a gratitude journal can be a helpful practice to maintain a thankful heart, do this intentionally because it will help you acknowledge more of God’s blessings you have received and how grateful you should be over the one you are trusting Him for.

8. Be Focused on God’s Purpose

This may sound weird but moments of challenges have proven to be a period of purpose discovery over time. Therefore, while waiting, you both should seek to understand and pursue God’s purpose for your lives. The Bible reminds us that we are created for good works that God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). This period could also be a time to further education, develop career goals, or engage in ministry, making use of the time and talents God has given to you both. This will take your worries away and will help you see the challenge as being too small to weigh you down.

9. Manage Stress and Seek Emotional Well-being

Waiting on God is capable of tampering with your health and the emotional toll of waiting can be significant and devastating. You both should find healthy ways to manage stress, whether through exercise, counseling, or other relaxation techniques. Also, seeking professional counseling, preferably with a Christian Counselor can provide support and help you both manage the complex emotions that come with waiting. Therefore, seek help from counselors who specialize in this area, and visit your gynecologist regularly as well. Manage stress effectively because too much stress is also capable of tampering with your ability to conceive.

10. Shun Bitterness and Embrace Love

Comparison should be avoided at this time as it’s natural to notice others who have what we desire. The Bible warns against allowing a “root of bitterness” to grow (Hebrews 12:15). Couples should guard their hearts against envy or resentment. Rejoice with couples who have the gifts you choose. Deal with those children in love and don’t feel bitter having couples with children around. Also, offering forgiveness to them when they wrong you is crucial. Holding onto negative feelings can hinder your spiritual growth and the blessing that awaits you.

11. Engage in Spiritual Warfare

Barrenness can be spiritual sometimes and might not likely be a wait from God. The Bible tells us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12). You should be aware of the spiritual warfare that can occur during times of waiting and there is a need to war to obtain your promise, spiritually. Praying for God’s help and protection over your marriage, mind, and emotions is vital. Ephesians 6:10-18 speaks of putting on the full armor of God to stand firm against the enemy’s schemes. Therefore, recognize if it’s a wait from God or a delay from the wicked.

12. Keep your Hope Alive

Keep your Hope in God unwavering and alive. Never doubt all His promises you have seen in His word. The Bible says “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13). Hope is a powerful force that sustains faith during difficult times and it keeps your eyes focused on what God has promised. Therefore, keep it alive and living. Also, as God begins to work in your life, sharing your testimony of waiting and faith can encourage others and glorify God. Revelation 12:11 speaks of the power of testimony in overcoming challenges.


Trusting God for children can be a season of deep challenge but can also be one of solid growth and spiritual maturity. Christian couples who intentionally seek God, strengthen their marriage, serve others, and maintain hope will find that this time is not wasted but is preparing them for the future God has planned and proposed for them.  It’s a time to trust in His mightiness, sovereignty, and lean on His promises, and allow Him to shape your lives according to His perfect will. Therefore, devote your time to doing God’s will while you wait, knowing fully well that you will obtain the promise. Keep believing, keep your hope alive, and keep serving God, your hands will carry your children, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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