15 Attributes Men Appreciate In Women For Marriage

15 Attributes Men Appreciate in Women For Marriage


15 Attributes Men Appreciate In Women For MarriageThe Bible teaches that a man who finds a good wife finds a good thing and has obtained favor from God. Marrying the right person and enjoying marriage is God’s intention for His children and it pleases God when we get knitted to the right person. Getting married requires a lot of patience and waiting on God to know who is fit for your journey. Lots of godly men are usually puzzled by the kind of women they want to settle down with. Even after praying, they want to carefully consider who they would like to spend the rest of their lives with in terms of character and other virtues or attributes worthy of a good woman.

While talking to some bachelors, I asked several questions in this regard. No man wants to settle with a woman lacking good virtue, every man wants a woman with good qualities and virtues. When men consider a woman for marriage, they often seek qualities that align with their values, beliefs, and life goals. Although all the qualities desired are good, they differ from man to man. Just as a woman has certain qualities she looks out for in a man, so also a man. For Christian men, these attributes are often rooted in scriptural teachings which largely reflect on a woman’s character, faith, and the way she lives out her relationship with God.

Most times, some women’s hearts get broken over and over and they can’t seem to place a hand on what could be the reason particularly. Some would have built a relationship for five to six years only to get disappointed at the end of the day. How then would you be with a man for five or six years and he wouldn’t settle down with you at the end of the day? Probably you were offering something he didn’t see as worthy enough to make you his wife. Heartbreaks can be painful, disappointing, and life-threatening. Going that route is risky and dangerous, therefore as a woman, there are qualities you should possess that no man will find it easy to resist you, as a true child of God.

This article will consider 15 attributes that men appreciate in a woman when considering her for marriage. This article will also help young women of marriageable age learn and embrace these virtues so they can settle down at the right time.

1. Godliness (fear of God)

2. Beauty From Within

3. Full of Wisdom

4. Supportiveness and Being Industrious

5. Being Respectful

6. Showing Kindness

7. Humility and Submissiveness

8. Patience and Perseverance

9. Faithfulness and Commitment

10. Nurturing and Loving Nature

11. Forgiving Spirit

12. Being Generous

13. Always Joyful

14. Can Be Trusted

15. Prayerfully Sound

1. Godliness (fear of God)

Godliness can not be replaced with another word. This is a virtue a good wife should possess. A woman who fears the Lord and seeks to live according to His will is a treasure in God’s hands and the life of a man. To be considered for marriage as a woman waiting to get married, be a godly woman who prioritizes your relationship with God, and let it guide your actions, decisions, and interactions with everyone around you. The Bible says that a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised (Proverbs 31:30). The fear of the Lord is paramount. A woman who fears God will be a good wife because it will be easy to honor whoever she marries. Godliness is one of the qualities a man looks out for, possess it.

2. Beauty From Within

These days, very few men are looking at outward beauty, a lot consider inner beauty now. While physical beauty may attract attention, it is the inner beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit that holds lasting value and Men mostly admire this. Men appreciate women who cultivate their inner selves with grace, kindness, and love because what use is outer beauty if there is no beauty existing inside? The Bible speaks about what the true beauty of a woman should be like, it should be from the inner self, unfading with a gentle and quiet spirit (1 Peter 3:3-4). As a young woman who desires to settle down and marry right, labor more on your inner beauty, do away with filthiness, and possess purity within you.

3. Full of Wisdom

The scripture calls wisdom a principal thing. A woman who possesses wisdom is valued because she can make sound decisions and offer guidance in times of uncertainty. At some points in marriage, your spouse will desire your opinion when confused. As a woman, your contribution may either pull him up or drag him down. Wisdom is more precious than jewels, and a wise woman is a great asset in any marriage. A woman full of wisdom will build her home in the way of the Lord, support her spouse, and raise children through wisdom. As a woman, your words should be filled with wisdom (Proverbs 31:26). As a woman, seek wisdom from God and grow in wisdom.

4. Supportiveness And Being Industrious

I have seen women who desire to be housewives and do not desire to work. It’s wrong for a woman to sit idly and, never desires to support her spouse. Men appreciate supportive women, those who can stand by them in times of triumph and trial, and women who support them financially, intellectually, and morally. A supportive woman encourages her partner to grow, succeed, and stay grounded in faith rather than pull him down. When your spouse falls, you should be able to help him up (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10). Men are out looking for supportive women, women who can stand independently without their help or support. Men feel a sense of security when they have such women around. Be that woman.

5. Being Respectful

Disrespect is a turn-off for men. Research discovered that men are often egocentric in nature and always want to feel respected and honored. Respect is foundational in a healthy relationship. A woman who shows respect for her partner’s opinions, dreams, and values is likely to build a strong and lasting marriage, therefore, any man will want to bank on that. The word of God instructs wives to respect their husbands (Ephesians 5:33). As a woman, you must embrace the quality of being respectful and pleasant in every relationship, by so doing, you will become a woman worthy of care and love and any man will gladly consider you for marriage.

6. Showing Kindness

A kind woman will make a good home. If she can be kind to outsiders, she will be kind to her spouse and children. It’s easy to show care to those we love and care about but it takes goodness to be kind towards others. Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit and a hallmark of a Christ-like character and it’s a true way to know a true child of God. A kind woman treats others with love and compassion, reflecting the heart of Christ. You won’t only teach kindness but also practice it (Proverbs 31:26). Be a kind woman and you will attract a good man.

7. Humility and Submissiveness

Humility is a virtue. Any woman who can exhibit that virtue at any level in life is worthy. A humble woman acknowledges her need for God and others, placing others before herself. Humility is a strength that breeds peace and harmony in a relationship and any man would love to have a woman with such virtue. The word of God instructs that nothing should be done out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but in humility, others should be valued above ourselves (Philippians 2:3). No man wants to marry another man, every man desires to have a woman, like Sarah who calls her husband Lord. Therefore be humble no matter how much you have achieved so that God can bless you with the good home you desire.

8. Patience and Perseverance

A patient woman possesses a strong level of faith in God. A patient woman is a woman who believes in the future and God’s plans for her life. Patience is vital in any relationship, especially in marriage. A patient woman can endure challenges, wait for God’s timing, and respond with grace in difficult situations. The Bible calls for love, patience, kindness, and the ability to persevere (1 Corinthians 13:4). As a woman, your patience and perseverance when faced with any little challenge will help a man see you as worthy of being a partner. He will see in you a woman who will stand by him during his trying moments and those times he is trying to rise. With other virtues as a woman, possess patience and perseverance.

9. Faithfulness and Commitment

As a man walks with you in that friendship or relationship, he checks your faithfulness and commitment. How committed and faithful are you? Faithfulness is an essential attribute in a woman who is to be trusted and relied upon. A man desires to have a woman he can fully trust even when he is absent, someone he can beat his chest for and say yes, she is faithful and committed to what we have. When your commitment to your faith, your partner, and your family is unwavering, a man will gladly consider you for marriage. This helps your prospective husband to have full confidence in you (Proverbs 31:11).

10. Nurturing and Loving Nature

How well do you care for others, people you barely know? How loving are you to those around you? A nurturing woman cares deeply for others, especially her family. She creates a home filled with love, warmth, and support. A man wants to marry a woman whom he will excitedly rush home to meet daily, a woman whom he stares at and joy flows through him easily. In that relationship, be that woman! As a woman, the word of God recognizes your loving nature as you watch over your household through your nurturing and loving nature (Proverbs 31:27-38). A man’s heart will safely trust you and he will confidently believe that you will care about his well-being and that of his children easily. As a woman, this is a necessary attribute you must possess.

11. Forgiving Spirit

Oftentimes people find it very difficult to forgive especially when they get hurt bitterly. A man watches you when he lightly offends you and how long it takes you to let go of the offense. Forgiveness is crucial in maintaining peace and unity in marriage. A woman who forgives quickly and holds no grudges reflects the forgiveness that Christ offers to us as believers. We all make mistakes and we all offend others, therefore, as a woman, possess that forgiving nature and embrace a peaceful heart that doesn’t accommodate any form of grudges. The word of God tells us to bear with each other and forgive one another (Colossians 3:13). This passage of the scriptures teaches us to overlook errors. Some men can not stand unforgiveness, they flee when they find a woman who doesn’t possess that virtue.

12. Being Generous

A generous woman is open-handed and giving, both with her resources and her time. How well have you contributed to that relationship? Is it always about you collecting from him or are you giving out more? Love is reciprocal in nature, true love gives generously. A good woman reflects God’s love through her generosity and hospitality. The scripture recognizes the attributes of generosity and places value on it (Proverbs 31:20). As a woman, give your time, your energy, your voice, your resources, and your heart, and give everything to make your relationship work. These are the sacrifices a man will see and will gladly want to marry you.

13. Always Joyful

Wearing a sad countenance often will not attract men. Research also shows that people who do not smile or wear a happy look tend to age easily. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and an attractive quality in a woman. A joyful woman brings light into the lives of those around her, including her partner. Biblically, the joy of the Lord gives strength, and being joyful at all times indicates your strength and inner abilities (Nehemiah 8:10). As a woman, approach life with a joyful countenance and spread joy to those around you. Every man desires a woman with a joyful and positive lifestyle and, therefore, becomes that woman.

14. Can Be Trusted

What is marriage without trust? Trust is the bedrock of any strong relationship and it is very important. A trustworthy woman can be relied upon in all circumstances, and her word is her bond. Even the word of God recognizes this attribute in a woman when considering her for marriage. The Bible says “her husband has full confidence in her (Proverbs 31:11-12). Two persons can not walk together without agreement. This agreement also points to the fact that a man can trust you with his own life. A man who can safely trust you with everything and in everything will be eager to make you his wife. Therefore, build and possess that ability. Let him be confident that he can trust you with his resources, his life, his business, and everything important.

15. Prayerfully Sound

Prayer is very important in the life of a believer. Prayer is not gender-based, everyone must pray and it’s not age-limited. A prayerful woman seeks God’s guidance in all aspects of her life and solely depends on God for everything. Her commitment to prayer not only strengthens her relationship with God but also fortifies her relationship with her partner. The Bible instructs us not to be anxious about anything but bring every situation under prayer (Philippians 4:6). Every man loves a praying woman because they believe she will stand in the gap at all times. Women mostly settle matters on their knees and often stand up with express answers. Be a praying woman, not for marriage reasons alone but also for other good reasons.

In conclusion, these attributes are rooted in the word of the Lord and they will not only prepare you to be a godly wife but also enrich and bless your life as a whole. Men who seek a partner for marriage value these qualities and often look out for them because they align with the principles of a Christ-centered relationship, ultimately leading to a strong, faithful, and loving marriage. Are you waiting for Mr. Right to show up? Are you often falling out of relationships for reasons unknown to you? Check the above attributes carefully, write them down on paper and your heart and carefully follow and do as written. Your God-ordained husband will locate you, you will enjoy your marriage, and God will help you and your spouse to continually live your lives as God wants you to in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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