10 Destructive Effects Of Adultery In Marriage

10 Destructive Effects of Adultery in Marriage


10 Destructive Effects Of Adultery In MarriageRight from the olden days and till now as recorded in the scriptures and even till now, the issue of adultery persists and has eaten deep into our society. We can not deny the effects and what it has cost many marriages today and I see a need to further open the minds of individuals on the destructive effects of Adultery in Marriage. As young as my marriage was, my partner and I are privileged to address the marital issues of several couples basically on the issues of infidelity and adultery. We often ask questions and are keenly interested in marriages void of any form of abuse and we often seek to know why any partner will get involved in such an act in a peaceful marriage. We discovered a lot of factors like lack of contentment, greed, lust, obsession, love for money, love for power, their partner’s physical appearance, and so on.

Adultery is an unacceptable norm in society, a voluntary sexual relationship between a married person and someone who is not their spouse. Adultery is also a breach of marital trust and fidelity, reverberating through marriages with profound consequences. Generally, the act of adultery is universally recognized as detrimental to the sanctity and stability of marriage. In the Bible, adultery is explicitly condemned, with passages like Exodus 20:14 emphasizing, “You shall not commit adultery.”  Why will the Scripture point it to us directly that we shouldn’t commit adultery? This is because the repercussions extend far beyond the act itself, impacting more than those involved in the act.

In light of this, this article will therefore delve into 10 destructive effects of Adultery in Marriage.

10 Effects of Adultery in Marriage:

1. Trust Betrayal

2. Emotional Distress

3. Destruction of Intimacy

4. Impact on Children

5. Legal and Financial Consequences

6. Spiritual Consequences

7. Social Stigma

8. Health Risk

9. Cycle of Distrust

10. Loss of Support

1. Trust Betrayal:

When a man or a woman gets caught in an act of Adultery, little do they know that they are gradually reducing their spouse’s level of trust in them. Adultery often shatters the foundation of trust that births a healthy marriage (Proverbs 6:32). The betrayed partner often struggles with feelings of betrayal and emotional trauma. Emotional trauma can be deadly and devastating. I have seen many homes broken and the betrayed partner decided not to ever trust another person or think of entering into another home. It’s often so painful especially when done to someone so committed to that home.

2. Emotional Distress:

Adultery often leads to emotional distress in marriage. Both partners endure intense emotional turmoil, including feelings of guilt, shame, anger, and grief (Proverbs 5:11). It makes either of the partners who are involved in the act lack confidence, it may also change the other partner’s temperament and a lot more.

3. Destruction of Intimacy:

I have read and heard about spouses who will never allow any form of intimacy between them and their partners the moment they catch their spouse in any act of infidelity. The emotional and physical bond between spouses is severely damaged, leading to a breakdown in intimacy and affection when a partner commits adultery (1 Corinthians 7:3-5). Adultery kills the volume of intimacy in any home. The spouse cheated on will suddenly grow fearful and careful. Lots of women say they get irritated when their husbands commit adultery, they do not want to associate with them anymore.

4. Impact on Children:

Lots of things married couples do in the home either affect the children positively or negatively. Children often see what parents do and they look up to parents as models. A child whose mother cheats on her father may grow up repeating the same with her husband. A child whose father often brings home different women even while married, may grow up to see it as a normal way of life. Also, Children often bear the brunt of adultery, experiencing confusion, insecurity, and long-term emotional scars (Exodus 20:5).

5. Legal and Financial Consequences:

Adultery can often lead to divorce, resulting in legal battles over custody, alimony, and division of assets (Matthew 19:9). In some cases, it leads to death, chaos, fights, and a lot more. It’s always surprising to see couples who once loved each other become enemies. This happens often and often and renders the individuals in that home miserable.

6. Spiritual Consequences:

God is against adultery, and the Scripture speaks against adultery. Adultery violates the sacred covenant of marriage and may lead to spiritual consequences for both individuals (Hebrews 13:4). As believers, it’s expedient that we frown at all that does not please God. Run from sin that easily takes us away from his presence, sins that make us put on the sinful nature. Christian couples involved in adultery are disobedient and have failed to honor God in their bodies.

7. Social Stigma:

The revelation of adultery can lead to social ostracization and damage to personal and family reputation (Proverbs 6:33). A good name is better! Adultery can destroy a good name built for several years just in the twinkle of an eye. Although it’s rampant in society, people still frown at it when the secrets of individuals involved in the act come to light. Adultery often leads to shame and it dents the reputation of the family any individual involved in such an act comes from.

8. Health Risks:

The risks attached to adultery are many and most times make it hard for individuals involved in it to fully live a healthy life. Adultery increases the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) which can affect both spouses and potentially innocent parties (1 Corinthians 6:18). It’s not limited to a gender, but both genders. It’s amazing how some people who are victims of diseases through adultery make decisions to further spread it to individuals who are not willing to stick to their partners. Adultery is deadly and risky and can cut the life of. any individual short.

9. Cycle of Distrust:

Even after reconciliation attempts, the effects of adultery may perpetuate a cycle of distrust and insecurity within the marriage (Ephesians 4:31-32). A heart once broken may forgive but may be hard to forget. A spouse once cheated on may forgive but may start feeling insecure in that marriage. Often when you see a partner who starts reacting or relating with his or her partner irrationally, it may be as a result of an occurrence that he or she is finding it hard to forget.

10. Loss of support:

Yes! Lots of individuals have lost quality relationships and good friends through adultery. Suddenly, everybody cuts off from an adulterer, nobody wants to trust them with their spouse, nobody wants to be friends with them, and friends get warned not to walk with them because they lack morals and godly virtues. Adultery can strain relationships with friends, family, and religious communities, reducing the support network crucial for marital stability (Galatians 6:1-2).


The destructive effects of adultery in marriage are solid, can not be hidden, and are far-reaching, impacting emotional, spiritual, and practical aspects of life. As seen in the Bible and experienced in real-life occurrences,  adultery jeopardizes the very foundation upon which marriages are built. Healing from such betrayal requires immense effort from the couples involved and those who want to help them outgrow it, forgiveness, and a commitment to rebuilding trust.

Ultimately, understanding the devastating effects of adultery serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of fidelity, respect, and nurturing marital bonds as sacred commitments (1 Corinthians 10:13). It’s therefore important for couples to keep their eyes fixed on one another, love each other wholeheartedly, shun any form of lust and spiritually see that they both overcome all issues and challenges of life together. It’s my prayer that God will help you as I am being helped, you will enjoy your home and Jesus will be the Lord over your home, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Remain blessed.

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