How To Maintain A Godly Home
Maintaining a godly home is an intentional and consistent action-driven aspiration for couples. A Godly Home is a home built by God, a home whose platform is based on Faith in God and Righteousness.
After God has revealed His will for your life, and you have accepted His choice for you, there are still a lot of things to do to maintain your home as a godly one. How To Maintain A Godly Home is a third part of the series The Mystery Behind Marrying Right And Maintaining A Godly Home, Pt. 2. You can find the first part here and reading it would increase your understanding of the purpose of the series.
Inviting God Vs Involving God
In the book of John 2:1-11, Jesus and His disciples were invited to a wedding that took place at Cana in Galilee and His mother (Mary) was also there (vs 1-2). When the wine finished at the wedding, the Mother of Jesus, knowing what power Jesus has, called His attention to it but Jesus asked why she is involving Him (vs 4). Jesus then ordered that the Jars should be filled with water and they should draw the water and take it to the master of the banquet. In verse 10 of the same chapter, we can see that they concluded that the wine was the best.
It’s one thing to invite God and it’s another thing to involve God. It’s important for believers to involve God in their decisions, especially in Christian homes, in order to live peacefully. The wedding at Cana in Galilee wouldn’t have ended happily without the help of Jesus, hence; every Christian needs to involve Jesus in order for them to enjoy their home to the fullest.
To Maintain A Godly Home, you should consider the following–
1. The Love of God
The love for God is important and it’s the most important. You love God by obeying Him, by doing His will, and avoiding all that will make Him angry. For a home to enjoy peace, joy, and decorum, the Love of God should be their emblem (Ephesians 5:1-33, Romans 8:28).
2. The Word of God
For a Christian home to maintain her Godliness, the word of God should continually be their guide, and they should believe in its power and ability direct (Matthew 4:4).
3. Love and Respect
The Husband should love his wife just as Christ loves the Church and the wife, on the other hand, should be submissive to her husband (1 Peter 3:7, Ephesians 5:22-29). A woman that submits is virtuous and she is like Sarah that called Abraham Lord (Proverbs 31, 1 Peter 3:6). Your spouse should be your best friend, someone you can play with, relate freely, and someone to whom you can express everything within you. Truly, this is how to maintain a godly home.
4. Sexual Relation
As a Husband and Wife, sexual deprivation shouldn’t occur between you. Sex is a gift given by God to those who are married. The word of God is against depriving your spouse of sex, even in a situation whereby fast is ongoing, it should be based on an agreement that you both will stay away from sex till you break your fast. The reason why the agreement is essential is that the devil is cunny and he is looking for access to a godly home and disagreements give him easy access. In order to avoid this, couples must agree to stay away for a while and be back again so that devil wouldn’t take advantage of them (1 Corinthians 7:3-5).
5. Prayer And Fasting
Prayer and Fasting are essential to pull down strongholds and break yoke (Isaiah 58:6). As a family, you join hands together to fight battles arising against your home. You must recognize that the devil’s mission is to steal, kill, and destroy, John 10:10.
It is the Lord that builds the house according to Psalms 127:1. If God doesn’t build it, all efforts will be in vain. No one can build a godly home without the help of God and that is the reason it is first important to choose a spouse in accordance with God’s will, a true believer, and someone who walks with God truthfully.
A Godly home must not be void of certain qualities which are: True love for God, love for each other, trust, sacrifice, truthfulness, respect for each other, commitment, responsibility, and helpfulness.
Conclusively, we must not forget that the thought of God towards us is good Jeremiah 29:11, therefore, it’s His will for us to enjoy and live a peaceful life. You can not live a fulfilled life without Jesus, Galatians 2:20, allow Christ to live in and through you, and that is the only way in which a victorious life is guaranteed.
Prayer To Invite Jesus Into Your Life
Surrendering your life, marriage, and home to God is paramount to building and maintaining a godly home. If you don’t mind, would you say this prayer after me: Father, I accept you today as my Lord and Saviour, please wash me clean and make me acceptable before You, I forsake my sinful old ways and I welcome You into my life, cloth me with your righteousness and help me to walk in newness of life. Thank You Jesus for saving me. Amen.
With this consciousness, locate a Bible-believing church and serve God there, shalom.
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