The dating of praying together with your spouse
Have you ever thought about the fact that you could be dating while praying? I mean, did you ever think that you could date your would-be spouse or your spouse when you are in a prayer meeting together? Yes, it is possible and that’s the title of this article, “The dating of praying together with your spouse”.
Someone might ask, Is dating prayer? Or is prayer dating when done with your spouse? We’re going to find out more as we break it down for you couples with the aim of motivating couples not just to pray with their spouses but to see another side of prayer meetings with one’s spouse and the dating benefits that this practice brings to the health of the couples’ relationship.
Before we start, let me debunk an uninvited idea that could run in one’s mind. This idea is attending prayer meetings or Church meetings and concentrating on a lady or gentleman in an attempt to woo or chat them up when the service is ongoing. This is wrong and a gross spiritual distraction. It’s not what this article is all about. Anyway, Just keep on reading.
The dating of praying together with your spouse doesn’t mean to go to Church with your spouse and be romantically involved. It doesn’t mean to chat up your spouse while in a prayer meeting. It doesn’t mean to woo her or him when you are engaged in spiritual affairs. It also doesn’t mean to go to Church meetings with the aim of searching for someone to fall in love with.
What it basically means is what the title suggests: the dating of praying together with your spouse. This means nothing more than what it means. It means praying with your spouse is actually dating your spouse. If you don’t know, know now. So the more you pray with your spouse, the more you are dating your spouse directly and indirectly.
Maybe we have to briefly define what dating is for it to make some sense. And briefly speaking, dating is getting to know each other well for a sustainable relationship. Period. Dating helps to bridge cultural and personal differences as far as relationships are concerned. This is actually what happens when two spouses come together in prayer. Their differences are very limited. In some cases, invisible. And the more they do this practice the better their relationship.
However, a problem with this has always been the lack of understanding in this area as the spouses engage in prayer. They become so tense, spiritualizing everything, and miss out on the importance of them coming together before the Lord.
Some couples do not even speak to each other during prayer meetings. There’s this atmosphere of fake holiness, I should say. One couple might feel burdened when it comes to prayer and longs for the meeting to end as soon as possible in order to get back to their “normal”. Did you just read that? The couple longs for their “normal” which makes you wonder if prayer was a distraction in the first place.
This shouldn’t be the case. Praying with your spouse should be a norm, your normal “normal”, your normal desire, a yen that couples should always look forward to. You know what I mean? A spouse should be proud to ask one another, “honey when are we going to a prayer meeting?” Or say, “ sweetheart, come on, it’s time for prayers!”…
Now, let’s break it down!
When Spouses Pray Together, They Get To Know Each Other’s Voice.
Some couples don’t even know the voice of their partners. I don’t just mean the sound of the voice because every voice has some kind of sound. But it goes further than just the sound to the way he or she speaks, and how he or she speaks. What are the things he or she talks about as a matter of concern? What is in his or her heart? This is what you would know when you date someone well. And prayer provides the opportunity to know this person’s voice as you pray together.
Jesus Christ tells us that His sheep (disciples) know Him because they know His voice (John 10:27). Now Jesus wasn’t talking about an audible voice that is heard when with someone physically. No, He meant a spiritual voice because He is a Spirit being (John 4:24).
So you see that to know someone well is by knowing his voice. And the voice here again is not the sound formed when talking, rather it’s the flow of thoughts from your mind. People can know you as a bad or good person just from what you voice out. For out of the heart flows good or evil thoughts. (Mark 7:21, Matthew 15:19). You can know your spouse’s voice well by praying with them. And this is dating that prayer provides. What was our title again? The dating of praying with your spouse. Am I communicating?
We shall continue with the second part of this article in the subsequent post or click here. Have you seen prayer as dating before? Do you pray with your spouse or with the partner you intend to marry because you wanna know their mindset? Because you wanna understand what and how they think? Tell us about it in the comment section? copyright 2020. All rights reserved
Thanks, Kadango for the comment. Yes, I agree that’s what dating does as well. as Charles used to say it that it’s the ultimate goal of dating—bringing you closer and knowing each other better. Thanks again and have a great weekend.
Engaging in prayer with your spouse is dating? I have never looked at it that way before. I think you are right. When you pray together with your spouse you form a very deep bond as you bring your needs before christ as a couple. You learn to combine your individual needs into one. You learn to stand as a couple before christ. That in itself brings you closer and your love for each other grows. I suppose thats what dating does as well. Brings you closer and know each other better. This is a great article.
Thank you for this interesting article. As a Christian, I believe it is important that prayer encompasses every facet of our lives. The family that prays together, stays together. Prayer is loving and when its time for battle prayer is fighting. I’m all things it should be our go-to weapon. Thank you for sharing this message.
I’m curious though, something I’ve always wondered about, in the old testament men had multiple wives, today it’s only widely practiced by the Muslims. What is your opinion on this?
Candy Benn.