Our faith grows when we walk in love, and my reasons are as follows:But before I start, what does it really mean to “walk in love?” The word, “walk” has many definitions but I would like to go with this one: to “walk” means “to behave, to pursue a course of life, to conduct oneself.” To “walk in love” therefore as recorded in Ephesians 5:1-2, would imply to behave in a manner of love; to pursue the life of love, or to conduct yourself in ways that show and express love.
Faith on the other hand, according to Heb.11:1 “…is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see (NLT).” So, faith in God is our strong and confident belief in a God whom we have not yet seen, but believe because He has never failed, is not failing, and will never fail. It is our ability to trust in, rely on, and adhere to God’s personality, His wisdom, power, and goodness.
So to the question of how our faith grows as we walk in love. Just imagine that someone at your workplace or a coursemate at school was sitting alone and depressed. Then suddenly, you pop up, initiate a conversation and even share lunch with him/her, while a big smile graces your face. Do you know what you just did? You just showed someone love. You walked in love.
Now, imagine that immediately after your conversation (with him/her) or a couple of days later, you see him/her looking so jovial and he/she comes to share news of his/her breakthrough with you. How would you feel? What would happen to your faith tank? I am sure you would overflow with faith in God knowing that He has used you to meet a need. He has answered a prayer through you. Not just that, but He has proven Himself faithful by helping the person you spoke to. So, it means He does not lie (Num. 23:19). That would surely result in greater faith, you would agree.
When we walk in love, we walk in God’s nature. We copy His example (Eph. 5:1-2). We show the world who He is. We tell them about His Person. As we do this, it results in gratitude on the part of those we show this love to. In many cases, it results in them placing their faith and absolute trust in God. And this results in an even greater faith on our part.
Also, obedience to God’s commands, which includes, “walking in love” shows that we love and honor God. It shows that we find His commands a delight and not burdensome (1 Jn. 5:3-4). This keeps us “in faith,” with nothing hindering our relationship with Him. Thus, we get to know Him better and as we do that, our faith in Him grows. This faith is the victory that conquers the world!
With that said, how do you plan to fill your faith tank by walking in love today?
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