How To Grow Spiritually As Couples, Part 2 - Pray As Couples

How To Grow Spiritually As Couples, Part 2 – Pray As Couples


How To Grow Spiritually As Couples, Part 2 – Pray As Couples

In our previous article, we focused on couples going to the Church together as a step towards growing spiritually with your spouse. Today, we shall elucidate prayer as a factor of spiritual growth for couples, and shall also teach you the ‘How to’ in this article titled, “How To Grow Spiritually As Couples, Part 2 – Pray As Couples. ”

In order to grow spiritually with your spouse, Couples Should Always Pray Together. Prayer is an indispensable part of the lives of Christian couples. And even others who aren’t Christian, such as the Muslims, Buddhists, the Jews, and many others, they also do pray.

How To Grow Spiritually As Couples, Part 2 - Pray As Couples

Unlike them, our own prayer is unique, not just because we have access to God directly (Hebrews 4:16), but also that we do not separate our females from the males during prayers. There are some religions that espouse that a man mustn’t pray with a woman at the same location for purposes known to them.

However, in the Christian faith, the women and the men can pray together without let or hindrance. Jesus Christ has bridged the gap that ever existed between people to come closer to God (Galatians 3:28-29). Everyone can pray together to get God’s attention. You the husband can pray with your wife without fear of religion or contradiction. In other words, couples can pray together. And please do!

To make your spiritual life more exciting for prayers and easier to follow, I would show you practical ways to go about this.

1. Create A Family Prayer Altar

How To Grow Spiritually As Couples, Part 2 - Pray As CouplesBuilding an altar doesn’t mean erecting a physical structure at home. No, it simply means to have a time and place where all members of the family can gather for prayers.

An altar basically is centered on prayers. A point of contact or a place of connection between you and God. Your family altar can be a room, a corner of the house or the entire house you live in can become that altar whenever it’s time for prayers. But one thing must be clear here which is the fact that all the members of the family must gather there to pray.

How To Grow Spiritually As Couples, Part 2 - Pray As Couples

This includes the children and everyone under the roof of the house without exception. Even visitors who come in at the time of prayer are to join them if they like. It’s not exclusive to the household. This family altar grows as the number of occupants at home increases.

2. Create A Marital Or Spousal Altar

How To Grow Spiritually As Couples, Part 2 - Pray As CouplesA marital altar is only for both of you as couples, where you can pray together without the interruption of others. There are certain things that you should pray about when just the two of you are present. This includes all the love affairs, marital issues, mistrust, unforgiveness, and issues to confess to each other and forgive each other, etc.

These are things to talk it out here to God and to your spouse at the spousal altar. Find time convenient for you both to do this. It must be voluntarily done. I suggest at night, but others might find it okay any time of day to do so. Unlike the family altar, this marital or spousal altar never increases in number as the members of the family increases. It exists for just the couple, for the two of you, and stays for two.

3. Create Your Personal Altar

We’ve mentioned three different altars under prayers that help couples grow spiritually together. While there are family prayer and spousal prayer sessions, there’s also the personal prayer session that everyone has to develop as a Christian. Your fellowship with God is a personal thing, first of all, that is not lost when you get married. It’s rather enhanced not forgotten or lost.

How To Grow Spiritually As Couples, Part 2 - Pray As Couples

There must be that time of day which only you can speak to and with God. It’s strictly personal to you and your God. Don’t lose this aspect of prayer just because you have a family prayer going on. God can minister to you personally, especially without the presence of your spouse or children. It’s an individual time for you alone; a quiet moment spent with the Lord. Don’t lose your personal prayer life. That’s your personal altar done anytime and anywhere. Whether home, in the car or office.

How To Grow Spiritually As Couples, Part 2 - Pray As CouplesTo recap, we’ve said that couples should pray together as another step of how to grow spiritually with your spouse. We also facilitated the step for couples to practice by breaking it down into three altars namely: the family altar, the marital or spousal altar, and the personal altar. There’s no greater admonition for couples than that which the Bible admonishes us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

Tell us, have you considered praying with your spouse? And how has it improved the relationship?



About the author

A music journalist, writer, and member of a great team of Relationship Experts. Carlos also serves as the site administrator.
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shariful islam

Many thanks to you for sharing such an excellent article with us .Your article is very important for spiritual growth as a couple. And I completely agree with you that husband and wife can pray together. My wife and I sit together and pray to God so that we can be happy in our marriage. And our family has a specific place to pray where we, along with our family members, all pray to God together. And I will pray with my wife to raise my wife spiritually in my marriage. This is a must share for me. I Will share it with some friends. Thanks again for bringing a new experience to our marriages. 

Shanta Rahman

Many thanks to you Carlos for giving us such a beautiful article and I came to know of something very wonderful through you. You have tried to explain to us how a wife and Husband can, should, pray to God together. You have highlighted that in Christianity, Husband Wife should pray to God together and even laid down methods to create prayer altars at home. Wow. Thanks again, Carlos. I find these altars very inspiring. 


Hi Carlo, may the almighty God bless for this wonderful article you have brought before us, in everything we do in life we must ensure that we put God first and how can we do that, is simply by seeking His face in our day to day activities.
It is of high necessity to create more time to pray, fast and read the word of God.
As Christians the only way we can grow spiritually is through the word of God and fervent prayer, to start with, the morning devotion is the most important way of seeking God’s face as a family, it even fosters love and peace in such family, the family will not only have time to pray but also have time to share life experience amd also read the word of God.

Miki Wong

Hi, thank you for having written this article on how to grow spiritually as couples. 

As a Buddhist, I did go to the temple and pray sincerely to hope the good things happen to me, my partners, my friends and my family. It’s really a good idea to create the altar at home so that I can pray daily with my beloved ones. Prayers strengthen faith and increase forgiveness, which can build strong relationships with each other. Thank you for the great post. 


Hi Carlo, may the almighty God bless for this wonderful article you have brought before us, in everything we do in life we must ensure that we put God first and how can we do that, is simply by seeking His face in our day to day activities.
It is of high necessity to create more time to pray, fast and read the word of God.
As Christians the only way we can grow spiritually is through the word of God and fervent prayer, to start with, the morning devotion is the mostly important way of seeking God’s face as a family, it even fosters love and peace in such family, the family will not only have time to pray but also have time to share life experience ams also read the word of God.

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