The 12 Consequences Of Domestic Violence

The 12 Consequences Of Domestic Violence



The 12 Consequences Of Domestic Violence

The 12 Consequences Of Domestic ViolenceWhile we’re dealing with the 12 consequences of domestic violence, it’s worth saying that these consequences can be avoided totally. You don’t have to suffer any if your take a different route in behavior and the way you treat your partner or spouse. We named them consequences because you did something wrong against someone whom you should’ve loved and cherished. In addition, the laws of the land might not frown at the responsibility called by your wrong actions.

You may also see it as a punishment that you brought upon yourself by virtue of your wrong actions against those close to you. Whether you are in prison or are fleeing for the safety of your life, change is possible wherever you, as a culprit, find yourself. You can love purely again; you can treat your partner better this time, and avoid the drama that fuels your anger. Yes, it’s still possible for a second chance. God is the God of second chances. So, don’t lose hope. That being said, the 12 consequences of domestic violence are the following:

1. It Creates Orphans:

When a single mom is beaten to death, what becomes of her children? Orphans are left behind, but this is not just about single parenting. What about a situation where a legally married couple fights at home and harms each other to death? The children would become orphans, no doubt! There are many children out there who are termed orphans because of the violence perpetrated against their parents.

2. It Affects Child Growth:

The 12 Consequences Of Domestic ViolenceA child’s brain as young as it is learns a lot from its environment. There’s no way you could tell me that domestic violence creates a healthy environment at home for children to grow. It’s just impossible. Domestic violence does affect the growth of a child. I mean this negatively. When children are constantly exposed to the scenes of the father beating or battering the mother, they can see that as being normal and imbibe such behavior which might later be demonstrated in the way they treat others of similar gender. A child can become an abuser of girls because of what he saw at home growing up.

Bad behavior in children is learned and not inherited. If you want to have well-behaved children, you as their parents should be well-behaved before your children. Set the standards for them.

3. It Causes Abortion:

Domestic violence can cause abortion. This means that it could be the reason a fetus is forced out of the pregnant victim’s womb because of the external pressure exerted upon her during a violent attack by the husband. Abortion is never a delight to experience but complications can occur with the fetus and the woman, being in danger, is forced to take that route just to save her life.

4. It Causes Miscarriage:

It’s not strange to hear that couples fight at home, and a pregnant lady could be beaten badly so that she loses her baby through miscarriage. Miscarriage, unlike abortion, is a situation where the fetus is expulsed spontaneously before it can survive independently or where it comes out prematurely because the woman’s womb received a hit by a violent male partner. Miscarriage can have other causes but it’s one consequence of domestic violence.

5. It Causes Divorce:

Divorce can also be a consequence of domestic violence. When the fighting is too much to bear, one partner can choose to opt out of the union because they cannot take it anymore. This partner may later file for divorce. Divorce is not a good experience because it has its own consequences too but this entire experience could be avoided if you choose to behave differently.

6. It Causes Separation:

Some couples might prefer to be separated than stay in an abusive relationship. Separation usually provides a way to cool off and unwind oneself. When the fight becomes too much, rather than divorcing, some couples prefer to take a personal moment out of the union for reflection, rethinking, and reconsideration of the entire relationship. And at times, the separation becomes permanent, yet they aren’t divorced. This too is a result of domestic violence. Both separation and divorce could be seen as broken homes.

7. It Causes Murder:

If you doubt the possibility of murder caused by domestic violence, the Police station(s) and health centers within your locality can inform you of the reality of the struggle. Domestic violence has been the cause of many deaths in the family, whether intentionally or unintentionally. We hear of women killing their husbands and husbands killing their wives. It even gets worse when the entire family becomes the victims of one person’s action, killing everyone at home. Sad, isn’t it? Nonetheless, murder is still the forceful termination of someone else’s life. And it can be avoided if we stop being violent at home.

8. It Causes Family Feuds:

The 12 Consequences Of Domestic ViolenceThe result of domestic violence can cause an unforgivable rift between the families of the couples. Even some members of the same family may not always agree with the way a daughter or son-in-law is being treated. They know what is right and good and understand that it is wrong for their son or daughter to wrongly treat another person’s child that way. This disagreement can take a long time to heal among the same family members.

In addition, a prolonged and bitter quarrel or dispute can also develop between the families of the one who’s being abused and that of the abuser. Such a feud goes beyond marriage to involving the entire community. And as a result, they will refuse to give or take daughters for marriage from the clan of the abuser.

9. It Causes Adultery:

Do you know that adultery can lead to domestic violence? And also domestic violence can be a reason behind Adultery too. What an irony! It also can be a consequence. Some acts of domestic violence have been the reason behind adultery in a number of cases.

A situation where the man abuses his wife and makes her feel less of a woman can push her outside to look for love that is missing inside. And she becomes vulnerable to anyone willing to fill in the gap. This is also true of the male spouse or partner. He can see someone out of the union because of the violent wife at home. This is done secretly, of course, but it invites an adulterous character that wasn’t there before.

10. It Causes Sickness:

Whether emotional, psychological, or physical, domestic abuse can make you fall sick directly or indirectly. The headaches and stress are enough to get your body worked up. In addition, you can be hospitalized by the physical wounds and hurt caused by a violent partner or spouse. The Reverend P. C Akubueze, as you might have known, has had numerous hospital visits with the victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence could be the reason you were in a coma lying at the hospital some time ago. Sickness is one of the 22 consequences of domestic violence.

11. It Causes Suicide:

Suicide is a serious consequence of domestic violence. Some partners have decided to terminate their lives because of what they were facing back home, which others didn’t even know. If you are facing any domestic crisis, killing yourself can’t be the solution. Come out, and try to talk to someone and find help, because, usually a lot goes in your mind and most of these thoughts are not positive thoughts and could endanger your life. Don’t commit suicide, give yourself a second chance and talk to someone about your internal woes.

12. It Causes Drunkenness:

The 12 Consequences Of Domestic ViolenceDrunkenness works both ways. It could truly be a reason for violent behavior or a consequence of it. I know of some people who became alcoholics as a way to escape the constant abuse they faced at home. You see, domestic violence can make you imbibe a habit you never had nor liked before. Drinking into a stupor is just one of them. But note this: you may drink into a stupor but you can never drink away your problems. In other words, it doesn’t solve any problem! Nope!

Do you remember any other consequence you would like to share with us? Hit the comment box, please!

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About the author

Verra is a journalist, a gospel singer, a relationship expert and the site editor.
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