The Dating Of Praying Together With Your Lover

The 24 Advantages Of Studying The Word Of God With Your Spouse, PART TWO – Growing As Couples

The 24 Advantages Of Studying The Word Of God With Your Spouse, Part TWO

Having given 12 of the 24 advantages of studying the word of God with your spouse in our previous article, which was Part one, we shall conclude this title with the second part which contains the remaining 12 advantages.

The 24 Advantages Of Studying The Word Of God With Your Spouse, PART TWO - Growing As CouplesWe intend to inspire, encourage and motivate couples to take a proactive approach in caring for their spirit-man because we’re all spiritual beings with a soul and live in the body. If we care and feed the body, we should do likewise with the spirit.

However, we don’t feed the spirit with physical food such as pizzas, pounded yams, bananas, etc., but with spiritual food which is the inspired word of God found in the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16). The word of God is food for the spirit (1 Corinthians 10:31; Peter 2:2)

That being said, let’s continue with the 24 advantages of studying the word of God with your spouse. These advantages are:

1. It Helps Couples Quench The Spirit Of Hatred

The union of couples can never propagate or incite hatred when they study the Bible together. Together they would discover the new commandment of love for one another (John 13:34). And would do all to avoid hatred. When hatred suffers, love only gains. This is the experience of couples who study the word together.

2. It Helps Couples Understand The Power Of The Spoken Word

Our words have the power to change our lives. Couples can know how to use words with each other if they study the Bible together and become aware of the power of the spoken word (Proverb 18:21). They would also know that each one shall give account on whatever evil they utter (Matthew 12:36). This would make them choose their words carefully and say only positive things they expect to see happen to each other and the family.

3. It Helps Couples Trust In God

When they read the word of God together, they would see that all whatever God says always comes to pass, that His words never fail (Luke 1:37), that He is the God of miracles, who created and sustains all things by His very word (Hebrews 1:3 ). And you know what? This only breeds more trust in God. Studying the Bible only makes couples trust God better. It is one of the 24 advantages of studying the word of God with your spouse.

4. It Helps Couples Appreciate The Works Of God

It’s only in the Bible that you would see the stories of creation and how God has raised up people of different backgrounds and sustained nations. In the Bible, you will read about the future that God has prepared for His people. 1 Corinthians 2:9 says the no eyes have seen nor ears heard what has prepared for those who love him. But these things are discerned and revealed by the Spirit of God. He does this revelation to the couples who fellowship with the word of God together. They would appreciate the things that God has done and would do for them.

5. It Provides The Opportunity For God To Minister to Couples’ Personal Needs

The 24 Advantages Of Studying The Word Of God With Your Spouse, PART TWO - Growing As CouplesMany couples have had their needs met by reading the word of God together. The word of God is God Himself (John 1:1). And studying the word is like going closer to the personage of God. When you are close to God, you have fellowship with God. And can hear Him speak to your hearts about the issues of life, particularly, about your lives as couples. This fellowship can bring direction, leadership, inhibition, and many blessings that would help grow your relationship with your spouse and family.

6. It Helps Couples Grow In God’s Will

The Bible contains the will of God. The more you read and study together as couples, you grow in the understanding of God’s will for marriage, for you as couples, and for your community and nation. Growing in God’s will is one of the 24 advantages of studying the word of God with your spouse.

7. It Helps Couples Encourage One Another

The 24 Advantages Of Studying The Word Of God With Your Spouse, PART TWO - Growing As CouplesWhile each person is personal, they are a team as couples. As humans, discouragement can come from time to time. And at times, our understanding and faith may differ from each other. However, at these times, couples can be a source of encouragement to each other if the couples study the word of God together. The word empowers the stronger spouse to help encourage the weaker one. The Bible tells us to encourage one another daily (Hebrews 3:13). Therefore, at weak moments, help encourage your spouse to obey God with you leading the way of obedience.

8. It Helps Couples Increase Their Prayer Life

Do you wish to pray more? Do you want your prayer life to be stronger? Study the Bible together with your spouse. If you do, your fire will burn brighter and your words become stronger as you pray God’s perfect will for the things of life. This is one of the 24 advantages of studying the word of God with your spouse.

9. It Helps Couples Become Dependent On God

Knowing the word of God makes couples easily depend on God for everything that pertains to life. They would understand that He truly cares for them as couples (1 Peter 5:7). And can provide for their every need (Psalm 23:1-3). Some families find relying on God difficult, but you can rely on God with much ease when you study the word together as one couple.

10. It Helps Couples Be Humble

Humility is a virtue that comes from the word of God. It actually comes by knowing the word. God-fearing people are humble people. And to be God-fearing, you’ve got to read the Bible together with your spouse. The Bible says to “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you,” (1 Peter 5:6).

11. It Helps Couples Walk In The Spirit

Walking in the spirit and keeping in step with the spirit is another important advice that the Bible passes unto believers (Galatians 5:25). But you can’t walk by the Spirit if you don’t know the voices of the Spirit of God. The word of God is also the voice of the Spirit that you will recognize only when you familiarize yourself with the word by studying it together as with your spouse.

12. It Helps Couples Increase In Faith

The 24 Advantages Of Studying The Word Of God With Your Spouse, PART TWO - Growing As CouplesThe Bible says that faith comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). The more you read and study the word of God together with your spouse, the stronger your faith becomes. It’s an enviable experience for couples to grow their faith at the same time. Faith-growth is one of the 24 advantages of studying the word of God with your spouse.

We have come to the conclusion of the 24 advantages of studying the word of God with your spouse. We hope it was a blessing to your relationships. Please you would do very well to read part One of this title. Click here to continue reading.

Have you started studying the Bible with your spouse yet? Can you share with us any of the above-mentioned points that you have already experienced? What other advantages have you realized or discovered during your study?


Adapted from the teachings of Rev PC Akubueze for © 2000. All rights reserved



About the author

Charles E. Is an author, a journalist, a relationship pundit and site administrator.
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Yeah, Charles’ article was inspiring. Do give it a try with your spouse and share your testimony later. You won’t regret you did. Thank you for being honest, Nuttanee. Have a great day ahead. 


Thank you for sharing the love. Living with your spouse or significant other is definitely challenging. It is inevitable that we have to work it together to make the relationship work. What a perfect timing too, it is almost Valentine’s Day. I haven’t tried studying the Bible with my spouse yet but maybe I can make him do it with me one day. Maybe we can share on what we think and how it can it work out in our marriage. I’m inspired with the write up. Will give it a try. 



Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts on Charles’ article, Pranali. A genuine word coming from God will certainly promote godliness and good behaviours. Continue the practice daily, and we pray for God’s mercy upon your family. 


Thank you for the article.  I do not follow Christianity but god’s word teaches us same value regardless of faith. This article is very motivating for couple to build and sustain a strong relationship. I practice reading god’s word with spouse and kids in everyday life. Advantage of this is that it teaches us how to behave at every situation of life and come out stronger without hurting other people around us. I am going to check out part I of this article. Thank you for the great article.

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