The Dating Of Praying Together With Your Partner, Part 4, - Its Benefits

The Dating Of Praying Together With Your Partner, Part 4, – Its Benefits


The Dating Of Praying Together With Your Partner, Part 4, – Its Benefits

The Dating Of Praying Together With Your Partner, Part 4, - Its Benefits

We have previously written about dating, precisely, how dating and prayer are closely related for the God-fearing partners, and the benefits too, some of which we talked about. You can find these articles here, Part One, Part Two, and Part Three.

Today, we would be concluding the series with its final part titled: “The dating of praying together with your partner.” This is the last and fourth part which continues to expound on the benefits of dating as partners pray together. That being said, the benefits it brings to the union are:

1. It Fosters Unity In The Relationship

The Bible says when two come together in prayer, the Lord is in their midst (Matthew 18:20). Just as prayer brings people together, the dating part even brings couples closer together and helps them act in the unity of mind and spirit. The dating of praying together with your partner is what prayer does. It brings the couple together, first to the Lord and then to themselves.

They learn what unity means when they start to pray together. That unity helps to metamorphose the relationship between them to something stronger, as they do things in a united fashion. And guess what? Couples who are united are a source of strength to themselves. They are very powerful. Just as the saying goes: a praying couple stays together. When they are together in mind and spirit, they stay united.

2. It Helps Couples Learn To Compromise

The Dating Of Praying Together With Your Partner, Part 4, - Its BenefitsCouples learn how to compromise for the good of the relationship when they pray together with one mind and spirit. The Bible says if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done by our Father in heaven (Matthew 18:19). That’s called the prayer of agreement which is what happens when couples come together to pray.

That singular act fosters agreement and allows for the decline of division and rift within that relationship. In essence, couples learn to compromise on certain things to make the relationship work. Whenever two people agree, that relationship becomes stronger and powerful.

Think about what Amos 3:3 says: that two persons cannot walk together in fellowship unless they agree to do so. You can see that agreement makes fellowship much easier. When couples come to pray, they are in perfect agreement with each other as they learn to compromise without hard feelings and look at things from a strong united position. Yeah, that’s what dating does as well.

3. It Reduces Selfishness And Encourages Selflessness

The Dating Of Praying Together With Your Partner, Part 4, - Its BenefitsAs Couples Share time with each other, selfishness is eradicated. Prayers call for shared time together in the presence of the Lord. By sharing time with the Lord, you are sharing time with each other too. Your time isn’t about you alone but about both of you in love. The “Me” factor is ruled out as couples spend quality time free from all distractions together to think, talk, and pray about what matters to them both as far as their relationship is concerned.

4. It Increases Their Level Of Patience

Praying together also helps them increase their level of patience with one another. Increased patience means waiting for God’s time in doing things; it means they don’t rush each other up or come to a hasty conclusion in whatever situation that befalls them. In any way, increased patience only improves the couple’s understanding of each other which, as a matter of consequence, only betters their relationship.

5. It’s a couple’s goal

Yes, their dating-praying act would become a goal to look forward to daily. Prayer, you know, is a daily affair, and so is dating becoming a daily affair too. Because of prayer, the couples have to come together every day to offer prayers at one location. If they were living at different locations, such coming daily to pray provides a good opportunity to commune with the lover you desire to spend your life with. Prayer becomes a means to help them connect with each other, hence knowing each other better. People who come daily together for one activity or the other get to know something about each other better than when they never did.

Please, in order not to get things twisted, read the previous articles on this topic. You can find them here, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and Part Four respectively. Each of which is building on the teaching that precedes it.

Thank you for your attention thus far. But tell us, Have you seen prayer as dating before?


Written for © 2020. All rights reserved.



About the author

Charles E. Is an author, a journalist, a relationship pundit and site administrator.
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