The 9 Conspicuous Truths That Keep The Youths Single

The 9 Conspicuous Truths That Keep The Youths Single



The 9 conspicuous truths that keep the youths single

The 9 Conspicuous Truths That Keep The Youths SingleWe started a series on reasons for youth singleness some time ago because of the rising number of young people opting to stay single and live their lives as if they have time under their control. Having conducted some interviews with young males and females genders about their takes on marital relationships, “the 9 conspicuous truths that keep youths single” is part of what we came up with.

The series, being the views from the standpoint of the youths, have had many written articles on the subject. For an in-depth understanding, please consult the title listings below. “10 Local Reasons The Youths Choose To Stay Singles,” “17 Street Reasons For Staying Single,” and “The 9 conspicuous truths that keep the youths single.” That being said, let’s start the ride with the first point!


1. The Self-guilt of being ugly.

This set of youths isn’t so self-confident and is withdrawn from their potential partners. “We’re not good-looking enough,” they say. And the result is they shy away from people coming with good intentions for them. So bad, dear! May I repeat saying that everyone is beautiful? Okay, You have it!

Just know that you are a beauty to behold for someone out there, but you must, and I would say that again, you must be self-confident. If you aren’t, none would do that for you. Be confident in your uniqueness because you are unique, whether male or female. We are all different and special.

2. Being overly independent.

This is just a fact that some young women are too busy to engage in any kind of love-related relationship. They do not see the need since they can provide for themselves what men traditionally do for ladies. But my dear, the relationship with men is more than just the physical provisions involved. You still need someone as a partner to support you as an independent lady. Don’t stand alone. Even if you looked into your company, you would realize that it’s run by a host of people. We are all dependent on one another in diverse ways. The Bible says that a man is not independent of a woman and a woman as well isn’t independent of a man. They need each other.

3. Too stingy with their private lives.

Another thing that makes a youth stay single is the fact that they love their private life, and are unwilling to share it with another person. They want to keep their privacy and private undertakings private. Marriage is a union that shares lives among those involved. Since they are uncomfortable sharing their lives with potential lovers, they remain single for a long time.

4. Not the outgoing type.

Some youths are single because they aren’t outgoing types. They just don’t know how to socialize with people, much less with a view of searching for a partner. Now, tell me, how on earth would that person who was made for you find you if you don’t step out to be seen by people?

You don’t have to go to nightclubs or places you are not comfortable with but, at least, step out even to the markets, or to your friend’s houses, etc. God didn’t create you to be alone. No one is an island, you need someone to love if you desire to be loved. And there’s somebody for you out of your comfort zone.

5. Looking for already-made men.

The “concept of made men” is one that has been sold via social media to a lot of young girls. This Social media misinformation is that you have to marry someone already rich and wealthy, just to avoid the vicissitudes of life and escape poverty. In short, it’s more of a poverty-stricken mindset looking for an escape route than true love.

In a few cases, the ladies might meet rich men who fall for them. However, the question lingers in the minds of many if these ladies are for real love or for money. In addition, the majority keep looking for someone rich hoping one day to find him. And you would agree with me that such hope is synonymous with aging and being unmarried for a long time.

6. Too many role models’ broken relationships.

Role models’ marital failure is another conspicuous truth of youth singleness. And I personally concurred with this. It’s a fact that the rate of divorce and domestic violence among those whom the youths look up to is very high and quite troubling. Today, you hear of marital bad news, and tomorrow you hear of another. When the role models who the youths highly esteemed have a relationship breakdown, it affects those looking up to them negatively, as far as relationship is concerned.

These youths would be uncertain if it’s right for them to marry or not. If the person they so idolized couldn’t keep their marriage together, they probably can’t as well. And that’s logical, externally, but not the truth. Because no two relationships are the same. It can fail for C but works for A. Nonetheless, most youths are scared of marriage today because their role models failed in theirs.

7. God’s timing.

Yes, I can agree to this that God’s timing matters when it comes to some relationships’ germination and reaching fruition. In fact, the Bible says that the Lord’s timing is the best (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Although not everyone believes in this, it works well for those who have faith in God. If that is your take, do go for it.

8. Still a virgin.

This is one of the 9 conspicuous truths that keep youths single. Some youths are still virgins and wanna keep their virginity as long as they can. I applaud their view on relationship matters. That sex-free discipline is not easy but possible. And if that makes them happy, it’s okay. Only don’t be saddened by the choice you willingly made. And the Bible supports the last line (1 Corinthians 7:25-40).

9. Not mentally and emotionally ready.

Nothing can be more applaudable than being honest with yourself. Another set of youths isn’t mentally ready for any love relationship. And I think I like this position as they are being honest with themselves and not pressured by anyone. There are a lot of mentally unstable couples out there not just seeking love but are in love with someone or a host of others. Marriage or a love relationship takes a lot of mental energy to engage in and, most importantly, sustain it. If you aren’t ready for that experience, please, don’t venture into it.

These are the 9 conspicuous truths that keep youths single. To continue with the series, see this post right here. © 2023. All rights reserved.




About the author

Verra is a journalist, a gospel singer, a relationship expert and the site editor.
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