Ten Best Practices For A Successful Marriage
- Assisting each other in prayers
- Loving each other
- Encouraging each other
- Respecting each other
- Understanding each other
- Forgiving each other’s imperfections
- Being submissive to each other
- Supporting each other
- Being faithful to each other
- Discovering each other’s weaknesses
The above-listed points are what we shall look at and consider as the Ten Best Practices For A Successful Marriage. Please, to widen your understanding of marital success, you would be glad you clicked How Spouses Can Be A Blessing To Each Other . Let’s just get started.
Prayer is the key to a successful marriage. Couples that pray together stay together (Matt. 18:19). When couples pray together, it increases trust and intimacy with each other. Praying for each other heals each other’s weaknesses (James 5:16). It creates a strong bond between couples. When couples pray for each other, it saves them from problems that may be facing them. The bible instructs us to pray without ceasing. By praying for each other couples would be able to resist temptations (Ecc. 4:12).
Love is a strong affection for each other. Love brings and promotes happiness in marriage (1 John 4:12). When couples love each other, it makes them live longer. This is because a married couple’s lifespan can be influenced by the social, emotional, and financial support received from each other. When a partner is depressed, the love and care he receives from his better half relieves him of that depression (Eph 5:28, 30). Also, the couple experiences inner peace and joy when they love each other (Eph. 4:2-3). Love bears all (1 Cor. 13:4-8).
As married couples, it is your responsibility to encourage and motivate each other (Heb. 3:13), by pointing out only your partner’s strengths. I really do appreciate the fact couples bring out the best in them. Even when others criticize your partner, it is your sole responsibility to help him/her stand to their feet (Heb. 10:24-25). Try to be a source of support to your partner. (Eccl. 4:9).
Respect is one of the determinants of a successful marriage. It denotes how important a partner is to each other. Couples should understand that no one is perfect and respect each other’s opinions and decisions (1 Peter 3: 7). Talk to each other politely and be a good listener (James 1:19). When married couples respect each other, communication will be easier, understanding will grow, love will grow and the marriage will be crisis-free. Respect in marriage is very essential (Eph. 5:33).
Understanding is important in marriage. The level of your understanding in marriage determines how long and successful your marriage will be. Couples should be able to express themselves knowing full well that they are well protected. When couples understand each other, they will always see things from each other’s perspectives.
Couples’ understanding of each other helps the marriage to be happy and successful. Good Communication makes understanding so strong. A friendly approach and attitude are some of the best ways to build and understand the hearts of couples.
Forgiveness is the act of wiping away, pardoning or forgiving debt. Married couples should understand that human beings are not perfect but walking towards perfection. It is always in our nature to sin (Romans 3:23). Therefore, their partners are not saints, couples should aim at being kind to their partners who have wronged them (Eph. 4:32).
Forging each other in marriage allows God to intervene in that marriage and bring you back to God just like Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:15). The more you forgive each other, the stronger the bond in that marriage becomes.
Being submissive is to obey one’s authority. “Submit yourselves to one another because of your reverence for Christ (Eph. 5:21). Though in verse 22, wives are expected to submit to their husbands but if you read through the whole chapter, you will understand that husbands also submit to their wives at times. Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way (1 Peter 3:17).
Husbands must cherish their wives to include them in important decisions making and consider their opinions as well. Couples should also submit their bodies to each other as this will help to strengthen their marriage.
To support is to give assistance. Being supportive in marriage is essential because it is one of the most important factors for building a stable marriage. Life is filled with ups and downs, therefore, having a supportive partner who will be there during life’s joys and hard times is very important. “And the Lord God said, it is not good that a man should be alone, I will make him a helper for him”. (Gen. 2:18).
God already knew that challenges will arise that will need assistance, that was why he gave him a helper to assist him. Couples should support each other financially, spiritually, emotionally, and socially. Couples can also help each other in terms of cooking, doing house chores, and other provisions.
This point means to completely fulfill your marital duties and promises to each other. It means being loyal to your partner for Prov. 5:15 said, “be faithful to your own wife and give your love to her alone. Faithfulness requires that you learn more about your partner each passing day.
It builds a bond and makes marriage safe. Faithfulness is a virtue that couples must acquire. (Prov. 3:3-4) cheating in marriage is a sin and destroys marriages. (Prov. 6:32). Couples must be honest to each other because marriage is honorable (Heb. 1).
Couples must be honest to each other because marriage is honorable (Heb. 13-4), and also try to solve problems together.
Couples should put the effort into protecting, nurturing, and growing their marriage. They ought to strengthen each other’s weaknesses. Spend time together and share your problems together. You can also seek counsel from superiors, and implement what you’ve learned in your lives. Above all, prayer is the key to strengthening your partner’s weaknesses (Matt. 18:19, James 5:16).
What are other good practices that you can add to these Ten Best Practices For A Successful Marriage? Let us know below.
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