Tips To Support Your Partner During The Covid-19 Lockdown – Covid-19 Lockdown Survival Tips
This Article is a continuation of the former article which you can find by clicking Here, written to give couples some help as they go through the lockdown together. Please, read and apply the ones which you find helpful. You can also share with your friends and family members. We are all in this together.
The tips to support your partner during the Covid-19 lockdown are:
1. Try to avoid a troublesome partner by spending time in a new space. Some partners are troublesome. There are some couples who are irritated at the sight of their loved ones. These couples constantly fight their partners on a normal day talkless of the lockdown. If you are in such a relationship, I know it won’t be easy being together with someone who seeks for trouble even when there’s none. I propose to try a new space to isolate yourself if possible rather than engaging in a fight with your spouse.
Since you can’t go out because of the lockdown, maybe refresh yourself by taking a walk around the compound alone or maybe the cellar can be a place to spend some time or your personal room (if you have one), or another room to escape the presence of your partner. Maybe focus on the children more to spend and pass time with them, or spend time with the neighbors if they are good to you. Try as much to look for an alternative place to spend time than to stay and fight with your troublesome partner.
2. Focus on short term goals. For couples who spend time together, focusing on short term goals is a good thing to do this moment because the crisis is also unpredictable and entails so many changes. The advantages of this are that you can start and finish a project within a specified period of time during the crisis. And you can easily change, adapt or stop the goal or project entirely if the crisis comes to an end anytime before the end of project goals. This would give you less headache because it was a short term one anyway.
3. Work from home if possible. When you don’t go to work physically, hopes aren’t lost. The Covid-19 crisis has accentuated the possibility of working from home as not just an option but a necessity to keep the economy going. Some companies require their employees to work from home. If you can do so, please do.
4. Buy just enough of the items you need for now. Buy the needs and not just the wants necessarily. Couples Should think about other couples too. Do not hoard food at the grocery shops. Don’t stock food for months while some would have nothing to buy. Do not let fear control what you buy. As doing so can leave nothing for the other couples who are going through the same situation. Think of others too. We’re all in this together.
5. Be creative together at home. Don’t waste your time just sleeping. It’s very possible to waste one’s time doing nothing during this lockdown. Be creative as a couple. Look for creative ways to stay busy together at home. Whatever you do together increases your dating time which is good for the relationship.
6. Do not find fault with your partner. It’s possible that some partners never stayed at home together for a long time. The temptation that comes because some partners are at home together could be many. Resist any temptation that will hurt your relationship. The stay-at-home is not time for arguments, quarrels, violence etc. Respect each other while you all are at home.
7. Date your partner even at home. Home is a dating ground. Really spend time together to bond well rather than to be busy on what is not helpful in the relationship. Express yourselves sexually but not too much. Cuddle more often. Talk about life together after covid-19 is over. Reassure yourselves that you love each other and care for each other. Really spend time at home with your spouse alone without the children or others around. It may not be by watching television since this can congregate the family. If that is the case, leave the television for others and you two get busy talking about you. Don’t forget that I said “talking” and nothing more.
8. It’s alright to mourn. It may be possible for some couples to be mourning a loved one they lost to covid-19. If you’re in such a situation, help your partner express emotions but also help them take time to heal. You are not alone. Many people are going through the same pain. So see the brighter side of life.
9. Do not get too lost with the negative news around us. I know the news is depressing for all of us. We find it hard to accept what we are hearing and seeing on Television, but it’s the truth. It’s our reality. We must accept it but look forward to a brighter future. There’s a brighter future, you know.
10. Make use of old items at home rather than buy new ones. For some couples, there could be some items on the shelves that they either don’t need them anymore or might have forgotten to make use of for a while. With this covid-19 saga, some items at home can really save us money. Reuse or make use of what we already have rather than to buy a new one or something similar.
11. Save more money for the future if possible. The future is bright. The future is sure. And the future is now. These are the words of the man of God Rev. P. C. Akubueze which regularly echoed to our ears to boost morale when needed. Yes, the future is certainly coming so save, save, and save for the future. Don’t spend all you have now on frivolity, vacuity and trivial matters. It’s also tempting to eat too much but save too. It’s tempting to drink too much but save too. It’s tempting to shop online anyhow, but remember to save. What’s more important is the future free of covid-19 disease. How about that?
12. Empty your food shelf before restocking. Some couples have the habit to keep piling up foodstuff and never eating up everything. Some stuff gets expired without being consumed. So during the covid-19 stay-at-home, eat the foodstuff that already has been at home for a long while, and avoid stocking food without actually consuming them. Try to eat all you have at least before you restock. I know this might not please some family members but they have to support the times too by eating what is provided and available than what is desired.
13. Couples Should Eat less. This cannot be overstated. Staying at home makes you a friend of food. You and your partner can avoid the temptation to eat too much during this covid-19 period. It will help you health-wise. Eat great but eat healthily.
14. Avoid criticizing God for what happened. God is not responsible for the covid-19 crisis, so don’t blame God, it only affects your faith in Him. Also don’t criticize God’s servants for the crisis. The servants of God are suffering as any other person. They have lost loved ones too to covid-19. We are all in this together. Respect the servants of God that serve you in the Lord. Hold them highly in your hearts, 1 Thessalonians 5:13. This shall still come to pass.
Stay safe and blessed, Joshua. More peace to your home.
Hahaha, I know exactly what you mean about spending some alone time away from your partner. Me and my girlfriend get into little arguments all the time if we are in the house together for too long. We have been trying new things to keep us entertained and make sure we don’t fight too much. This has been an interesting time for both of us.
Tosyn, stay safe and blessed.
Thanks for your post and it is definitely so timely with all that is going on right now with people being in lockdown and quarantining. One point you mentioned which is really good is the importance of finding a new space even around the house. When you are locked up with someone, it is easy to start getting a bit irritated. This is just a human thing.
Like you said, taking some walks alone or even just going into another room to relax and have some “me time” can really go a long way. Once the moment of irritability is over, its important to continue to date each other as well like you mentioned. Keep things creative, give each other space when needed and make good use of the extra time. Thanks for your post!
Yes, it’s good to learn it now than later. Stay safe and blessed Cathy.
What a timely article, now that we’re all couped up with familiar faces whether we like it or not. My partner has been quite supportive so far as we try to balance all the chores at home. It’s a good time to think about our financial situation given this crisis. We never really sat down and look at the numbers. Now that we’re in total lockdown, we’re digging some of our past expenses and was surprised to uncover each others spending behaviors. Guess it’s good to learn about this now than later.
Hi thanks for this wonderful article.covid 19 has really made us all leave in fear.but then again in this lockdown it’s very good to support our partner in every way possible.avoid trouble and disagreements.spice the relationship up with creative new ideas .i so much agreed with all the tips that are discussed in this article and I’d will like to recommend it for every Couple to read and follow the instructions too in this COVID-19 time.
Thanks so much, Lawrence. I will include it, I found it quite interesting. Stay safe and blessed.
I have read this and your previous article concerning supporting your partner during covid-19. You have some great advice and to be honest myself and my partner are quite lucky at the moment because we are already following most of your advice.
I do admit though , that both of us tend to get lost in the negative news. I was really struggling from it a few days ago and tended to be obsessed with the latest stats and advice. I have managed to pull my together, but my partner still has bouts of getting down etc. I can sense when she is overthinking it and getting worried. It doesn’t help because we have a very close family and obviously are missing them very much. We are both considered as high-risk due to both us really having no immune systems, hence have been self isolating for almost 2 weeks already.
The one piece of advice that you are missing is humour. Even in this horrible situation, humour is one of the key things that is keeping us going. We continue to make each other laugh and smile! Whilst humour, may not be for everyone, it is very important for us and our relationship and I think it should be on your list. When my partner is down, I try to make her laugh to distract her from the worry. It doesn’t always work, but does more often than not.
Take Care and Stay Safe
Wow! thank you for publishing such a great and very sensitive issue. Being in a lockdown with a troublesome Partner sounds like two enemies in a tug of war. I know of a Couple that entered the lockdown with strife, 2 weeks long it was very hectic trying to have things resolved until a few days ago. I so much agreed with all the tips that are discussed in this article and I’d will like to recommend it for every Couple to read and follow the instructions and very wonderful to note that is not responsible for COVID-19.