The 10 Irreproachable Financial Counsels For Godly Couples

The 10 Irreproachable Financial Counsels For Godly Couples

The 10 irreproachable financial counsels for godly couples

The 10 Irreproachable Financial Counsels For Godly CouplesHomes today are undergoing crisis due to financial problems and the inability of couples to manage their needs and home financially. Divorces recorded on a daily basis are not peculiar to a race or a country but to all races and countries. The inability of couples to manage their homes financially as responsibilities pile up no longer gives them room to show true love towards each other.

Marriages in the 21st century fall apart so easily because young couples go into marriage with so much expectation, less knowledge of finance, and less financial security. Now, the focus is on the rich and wealthy in order to escape and avoid financial pitfalls. They are on the lookout to marry those who are wealthy or rich so they wouldn’t suffer. However, it is worth noting that wealth not properly managed leads to poverty. Thus, the concern should be on financial literacy and on how to manage money and wealth properly.

Money is good, essential, and important for the comfort of the home. But you must understand how to make and manage the money you make. In a home that lacks the financial resource for its comfort, a lot of discomfort can happen there. To help you navigate through financial hurdles, the 10 irreproachable financial counsels for godly couples is a must-read article for you to secure a financial future as a couple. That being jotted, let’s get started.


The 10 Irreproachable Financial Counsels For Godly CouplesGod’s desire for us as His children is to live in abundance and divine blessings because it’s our redemptive right in Christ Jesus 3 John 1:2. It’s God who gives you the power to get wealth as said in Deuteronomy 8:18. Therefore as couples, you should embrace God first by surrendering the affairs of your home to Him because without Him you really can do nothing (John 15:5).

Having that mentality that God alone is the one with the power to help a man become wealthy and also retain the wealth will help couples surrender to His guidance. Through His guidance, you will increase in wisdom. He will continually open your eyes to certain things that will help your financial status in the home and also secure the future.


It is an old tale that a man should be the only one working while a woman should sit at home, handle chores and take care of the children, it should be a collective responsibility. Wives, be your husbands help meet. Any couple who desires to fly must embrace work. Both must work together as a team (2 Thessalonians 3:10). Teamwork pays, and the reward is for the team couples. With teamwork, they can build a great financial future and achieve whatever they desire to achieve (Proverbs 10:4-5). Just don’t be idle.


Before couples can progress and secure their future financially, they need to selflessly consider each other’s income as one in the home. The husband or the wife shouldn’t see his/her income as his/hers alone but both should regard any income as one meaning they both see their incomes as meant for both and for the upkeep of the family. If couples should start keeping their incomes away from each other, the home will be affected and such homes will lack progress (Ecclesiastes 4:9).


Budgeting helps you to be accountable for every penny that leaves your pocket from your income on a monthly basis. Set a budget and work with it strictly. The most terrible thing is spending on what you do not need while a necessity arises and there is no fund to foster it. Therefore, couples who desire a sound financial future must practice strict budgeting and refuse to spend on what they do not need Proverbs 21:5.


It is my idea that whatever you save belongs to you in the long run. If you fail to save, automatically, you will have nothing to fall back on when you are in need. Saving a certain percentage of your income as a couple helps you live within your means and gives you that sense of responsibility. Show me a man who has nothing to show for years of working tirelessly, I will show you a man who is not faithful to himself in terms of savings (Proverbs 6:6-8, 1 Corinthians 16:2).


To save is one thing and to invest is quite another. Investment helps you plan ahead for the future, it helps in securing the future you have not seen. Therefore, couples who desire a sound financial future should learn to invest in businesses that can help secure their future. I would advise you to invest in real estate, buy land, buy shares with reputable companies, and have insurance on all you have. These will help you invest in the future and provide you with the needed financial security.


Most issues people face are by trying to show the world that they are well-to-do or better still that they are living big and okay (Proverbs 13:16). You do not have to prove to the world that you are wealthy or rich. Live calmly and live within your income. Don’t live to show others just to humiliate them. Your life is your life, and so is your income. Embrace decorum and live a silent lifestyle. Live within what you earn (Galatians 6:10, Hebrews 13:5).


If you are taking a loan, ensure it’s for a very important reason. Don’t take a loan to change your wardrobe, languish or squander on what is irrelevant or what you don’t need. Ensure the loan you are taking is going to a business that will give you an excellent return. In that way, you will be able to pay back as expected and you will also have another source of income. Don’t take a loan you have no capacity to pay back at the stipulated time because it hinders your future plans.


Losing focus on your financial goals or visions will derail your plans and grossly interrupt the ways you spend your income. You will not spend them on what you planned and know is right and appropriate. If you desire to build a house in two or three years, your focus should be on how to achieve that project. To keep your focus intact, not all you earn will be lavished without going to what you desire to achieve or the project you desire to embark on (Luke 14:28, Proverbs 24:27). Fix your eyes on your goals or projects.


The 10 Irreproachable Financial Counsels For Godly CouplesAs uninteresting as this sounds, it’s very important that couples consider their children as much as they are concerned about other things. If couples find it hard to provide, the children in the home will suffer. I recommend that couples embrace quality family planning and give birth to the number of children they can cater for and give them a proper upbringing. Couples should never leave the responsibility of raising their children to other people. If this is controlled, they will be able to embark on other projects that will help secure their future financially.


Great homes or what we call successful marriages today are not products of laziness, idleness, or any form of irresponsibility. They are products of hard work, dedication, determination, and long-term financial goals. To secure a sound financial future as a couple, you must learn to see beyond now and plan for the future by investing greatly in it. Whatever you put in the soil determines the fruit it produces, therefore, plant what you desire in your financial future today so that you can enjoy it tomorrow.

Remember that Isaac sowed on the land. If he didn’t, he would not have reaped a hundredfold, the Bible tells us (Genesis 26:12). Therefore, embrace the 10 irreproachable financial counsels for godly couples to help sharpen your financial future.



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